If you have a focus on Bihar, Rajasthan or Orissa…
If you have an ambition to see your organization become financially sustainable and if you are looking for funds and technical support to get there…
This is for you.
The Development Marketplace (DM) is a competitive grant program that identifies and funds innovative social enterprises working on projects with high potential for development impact.
Administered by the World Bank and funded by various partners, the primary objective of the DM is to identify and support cutting-edge solutions to the most pressing social and economic problems. DM projects offer solutions that deliver results and have the potential to be replicated and/or scaled-up in a financially sustainable manner.
The DM is housed in the World Bank Institute and has, since its inception in 1998, awarded more than USD 60 million in grants to more than 800 innovative projects identified through country, regional and global competitions. Past winners of the DM in India include Dhrishtee, Vision Spring and Akash Ganga.
IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, as part of its inclusive growth agenda is partnering with DM to launch 2011 India Development Marketplace focused on social enterprises.
Find out more on the India Development Marketplace Competition.